Monday, November 26, 2012


I consider it a monumental accomplishment that my little boy just turned three and we have yet to make a trip to the emergency room. I also understand that having just written that sentence, I better be prepared to go now. Right now. Nevertheless, Mother of the Year right here, please.

We call him the Riley-coaster and with good reason. He is a roller-coaster of energy, emotions, communication, appetite, attention-span, ... I understand that being a second child, especially to Annie, can make it hard to get a word in and necessitates certain outbursts. But this kid defies all reasonable expectations and some days you just have to strap in, hang on for dear life and ride the roller-coaster to the abrupt lurch at the end. Breathless, dizzy, arms limp at your sides, knees like jello.

But here comes the part you're waiting for [cue the music] ... It is SO worth it! When he grabs my hand and says "Just come, momma. Come see!" and takes me over to where he has built a "fire" with all sorts of toys and papers in the middle of the living room, and then stand back in pride and says "You call me grandpa!". Or when he pats Annie on the back after she's gotten hurt and says "It be ok, girl." Or when he snuggles down with Benjy and his blanket and says "We watching BASEBALL!" except that it's actually football, or golf, or the weather report. And especially when he wraps his arms around my neck and says "I hold you, momma."

So this is Riley at age 3:

Always the goofball! I am preparing myself right now for future parent-teacher conferences. If he gets any kind of a laugh from people, he just goes beserk!

Still sucks those middle fingers on his left hand. It's terrible trying to sleep in the same room with him - sounds like you're in a room full of crickets! But it sure does comfort him and he LOVES his sleep. He snuggles in with his blanket and his doggie and will often take a 3-hour nap. However, he seems to love napping more than sleeping at night. I'm still awakened at least once a night to the sound of pounding little feet as he comes running into our room hoping it's morning so he can drink chocolate milk and watch George.

He was my garden helper this year - always ready to grap a tub and go help pick. And always willing to eat what came out of the garden! Except for peppers. Those he always had to spit back out, no matter how good they looked. He would totally be a vegetarian if left to himself - fruit and vegetables are always the first things to disappear off his plate.

His social skills are improving bit by bit. He now gets to go to Children's Church and Bible Class instead of nursery, and is just exhausted by the end of it all. He's getting better at playing with Annie and the cousins. Well, sort of. On the way up to the cabin, Ally and Annie were pretending to be mermaids and Riley kept trying to butt in with "and pretend that I am a pirate and I poke you!" or "and pretend that I am a shark and I eat you!" It's an attempt, anyway.

He loves to go to the cabin and make pizza with Grandma Cook and work out in the garage with Grandpa Cook and some man tools. If I ask him what he wants to do today, his list will usually include a trip up to the cabin to cut down timbers. The cabin just has it all for Riley!
For his birthday he got all sorts of fascinating boy stuff that he's been working with ever since - trucks, tools, a golf club, tumbling mats, and a CHAINSAW! It was a dream come true.
Indestructible? We shall see.

Real man tools! Including a hammer.
Like I said, we will be prepared for a trip to the ER

Ready to cut down some timbers!
 So Happy Birthday little Riley-coaster! Let's see if we can ride out another year!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

The vegetable of my labor

Well, it's officially over! The garden gave up the ghost this week. There are still a couple hundred tomatoes on the vine - I did not know you could pull up whole plants and hang them upside-down in the garage to save unripened tomatoes. But seriously, where in the world would I have put more tomatoes in this house? The pantry and the garage freezer are FULL. I have canned and pureed and chopped tomatoes until my fingers ached. I finally had to start putting salsa in giant pickle jars! ENOUGH!!!

I'm actually sad to see the zucchini go, though. The other night as we were sitting down to dinner, Riley said: "Mom, you forgot the quash [zucchini]" and when I told him I hadn't actually made any that night (shocking!) he said "awwww" in a very disappointed tone. I love that kid!

So this summer I canned - diced tomatoes, whole tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, pizza sauce, tomato juice, gallons and gallons of salsa, peaches, pears, jam, and pear butter. I didn't get around to canning any cherries - that was when Benjy was in Africa and I was just trying to keep it all together around here. And I didn't get very many pears canned on account of a broken toe. But still, the pantry shelves are STOCKED and I feel ready for a winter of bland-looking produce at the grocery store because I know I've got my stash back at home.

And now we're heading out to pick grapes this evening for juicing. Yeehaw! I love this little pretend-farmer life.

Middle of May - tomato & pepper starts barely visible back there


First attempt at growing watermelon,
something to work on

Everytime I went out into the backyard, Riley would ask
"And shall we go pick?"

This tomato plant was labeled as a cherry tomato.
I'm no expert, but...

Annie helped me with canning -
and actually WAS a BIG help!

This is how we do scrambled eggs!

Our puny carrots.

Homemade pizzas with tomatoes and peppers.

Extra vegetables turned into art projects.

This is a gallon of salsa - one of 6 batches I made.

(and a stay cucumber)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mondays with Val-Val

School has started back up and so have our weekly dates with Valerie. While the older cousins get a good start on their week of homeschooling, the "littles" and I get to go play. The last two weeks we've spent the morning at the zoo. Thanks to the family pass from Grandma and Grandpa Beck - and since Valerie is only 3 and therefore still free - it makes for a fabulessly cheap morning! Just $3 for all of them to ride the carrousel and 50 cents for me to feed the sheep and goats.

We get there right when it opens and pretty much have the place to ourselves. Instead of having to pull the kids off the safari jeep screeching (the kids screeching, not me - well, at least most of the time it isn't me) they can play on it until they get bored! It's fantastic!! The monkies are totally active, the sloth bear is sitting by the window to get fed, and the red pandas are pacing instead of holed up in their cave.

 Hope it stays warm enough so that we can enjoy a few more weeks of this!


Saturday, June 30, 2012

"I go back to AIRRRRRRPORRRRRT!!!!"

I'm now two weeks into my three-week stint as a single mom. For anybody who doesn't know -meaning anybody who has not been close enough to hear the blarring music at my pity party or felt the earth-heaving sighs - Benjy has been in Africa for the last 14 days. Or "Aferkuh", as Riley says. He is there to help in the building process of a new hospital in Togo, West Africa. So far he has completed 3 kitchen installs and a few other small jobs, mostly in missionary housing and the guesthouse. He sounds tired but happy.

And we are here.

Thanks to family and friends, we haven't had too much down time to ponder our loneliness, although Annie does remember it once in a while and gets carried away to "the depths of despair."

Riley is persistent in believing that every time we go to church, daddy will be there. And every time we pull up to the house and he sees the red car parked in the driveway, he yells out "Daddy's home!" Poor kid. I really should take that car and park it down the road, out of sight. But there's only a week left. One week! And then the day will come when Riley shrieks "I go back to AIRPORT!!!" and I'll be able to scream back at him "OKAY!!!"

There's been a lot of screaming. And a lot of Curious George. Not a whole lot of cooking, though. I think I've only cooked twice. The first week we just steadily made our way through mountains of leftovers from the early Father's Day, early Birthday, and Last-Meal-Before-You-Leave feasts that I had made for Benjy. THAT was a LOT of MEAT!!! And this week we've been living off of handouts from all the kind people that have taken pity on us and invited us over to eat. I have not had to resort to mac-n-cheese once! NOT.EVEN.ONCE! {Not that mac-n-cheese isn't my secret favorite and I don't have 50 different ways to serve it.That's not the point. Focus.}

But like I said, we've stayed really busy. There was cherry-picking:

And a theme day:

A trip to the cabin:

And an over-night with the cousins, a day at grandma and grandpa Beck's, an outing to the Benzel Plantation, an evening at the magical Kert House of Fun, and a trip to Amy's Garden Farm. We fall into bed exhausted every night.

We've got some more fun things planned for this last week. Possibly even a home-cooked meal! I don't know, let's not dream too big.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


So my little baby - who was actually not a little baby at all - turned 4. It's strange to even write that, as if I'm starting some fictional story. There's no way that 4 years have already gone by. I feel like I should still be waiting for her to be born.

Life changed so dramatically when she came that there's no way to bridge my life before her and life now with two kids. My life has been lived as two different people - me as not-mom and me as mom. When I answer questionaires about what my hobbies are I still write 'reading and scrapbooking'. But do you know how long it's been since I read Jane Eyre ? That's right - 4 years!

I know it's going to change as the kids get older, and I'll be able to merge the two people back together into one person. But I'm not so sure that's all that appealing, because it will mean that my kids aren't little and needy anymore. As much as I love to look at Annie's baby pictures, I also hate it! I feel like I've forgotten so much already. Like a few weeks ago when somebody was remembering how Annie used to call ice-cream "hymoon" - it was almost like remembering a dream. I had completely forgotten to think about that! And there are so many things I'm forgetting to remember.

So I better write down a few things about my 4 year old before she's 14 and isn't telling me 5 times a day that she loves me "more than everything in the world, every night and every day, for ever and ever until we go to heaven." Her exact words.

So... she got to take ballet classes this spring, thanks to Uncle Chuck and Aunt Missy, and was such a good little ballerina. At least for the first half hour of class each week. That seemed to be about her limit for taking orders from somebody else - a very new and 'edifying' experince for her.

With her new ballet bag she got for her birthday and "Crocs like Ally"
It's her cheif joy in life to have sleep-overs, and she begs every day to be able to invite somebody over or to be allowed to spend the night at somebody else's house. A couple weeks ago, when I went to pick her up after a sleep-over with Grandma Cook and a day with cousins, she absolutely wilted the second I walked in the door. It just sucked all the joy right out of her to think her fun was over. But then she got invited to spend the next 2 nights with Grandma Beck and the other set of cousins who were visitng for the week. 3 nights in a row that she was away! And it was glorious fun for her!

She just taught herself how to snap her fingers and whistle. She usually only takes one nap a week. She loves to paint and swim. Last week she learned how to pump on the swing at the cabin and now she'll go outside by herself and swing for half an hour. And she's really into making up her own Bible verses, which almost invariably end with "until we go to heaven."

So Annie, I love you with all my mom heart, every day and every night, for ever and ever, until we go to heaven! And even after that.

Me and my "little" 2 month-old baby

Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's coming...

My back aches, my arms are sore, and my feet are FILTHY! I've been working in the garden!

Benjy got the ground all ready - and by the way, sectioned off more area, doubling the square footage we had last year. It's going to be crazy!

And then we had a string of warm days and I finally couldn't stand the temptation any more - I went to D&B Supply and plunked down $20! Now we have strawberries, onions, and spearamint in the ground. I'm starting cucumbers, zuchini, summer squash, carrots, cilantro, basil, green beans, and sugar snap peas from seed because how else are we going to economically fill this massive garden space with plants?!? We'll see how it goes. The trick will be keeping Riley away from it all. Last year I tried to start things from seed but gave up after I went out to the backyard one day and found 15 little mounds of dirt all over in the grass where Riley had dumped out each seed pot. I was only gone for 2 seconds!

Cucumbers, zuchinni, and summer squash starts are growing like crazy. The basil looks good too. Looks like the green beans and sugar snap peas aren't going to sprout - will have to try again. I'm not sure if the onions are going to make it, I've apparently been over-watering. Oops.

I now have zuchini, summer squash, cucumbers, watermelon, and peppers in the ground. About half of the onions have come back to life. A few of the carrots sprouted and there are flowers on the single raspberry bush. AND 4 tomato plants are in the ground - the beginnings of my tomato jungle!

(Keep this picture in mind for a stunning before-and-after comparison)

Roma tomato plant - fresh salsa, anyone?

Green pepper plants
Nine tomato plants have made it through transplant and are putting out new leaves. One even has a flower! Seven little watermelon plants are working on their fourth set of leaves. Somehow there are six cucumber plants out there in the garden - I don't know how that happened. Didn't I say that was too many last year and that I was certainly NOT going to plant that any again? The spearamint plants are growing like crazy and we've been enjoying fresh-brewed iced tea with it. We've also had several salads from the lettuce and spinach starts that a friend gave us - she came over with two shovel-fulls of garden in a cardboard box, we stuck it in a planter and that was that! Instant salad.

Sadly, the green beans and sugar snap peas never made it. Riley is an aggressive waterer. But it's not too late so I'm going to try again. IT'S NOT EVEN JUNE YET! Besides, who could turn down helpers like these?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Happy to you!"

That's Happy Birthday in Riley-ish. This time to my big sister. And again - this time very late.

I was going to do a Top Three of Serena memories too, like I did with Chuck, but they almost invariably end with one or the other (or both!) of us wetting our pants laughing so hard. Not really something I want wafting around in the blogosphere.

But that's my relationship with Serena - it's not so much about the big moments but all of the little ones. And they've gotten better over the years with each new stage of our lives. We may not have been the best of friends when we were younger (and she has the scars from me digging my fingernails into her arms to prove it! Which by the way, were not undeserved - I have scars on my soul... like from her telling me mom and dad didn't love me and that's why I got disciplined more... but I digress...)

Each stage of our lives has made us better friends. She does things first and then helps me know how to do them. Like college, when she was a senior and humbled herself to be roommates with me my freshman year, sat with me in chapel, ate with me in the cafeteria, let me tag along on trips and meals out with her and Marc, ... got me through that first hard year away from home (FAR AWAY from home). And then after she was married, letting me spend Sundays for the next 3 years at their house, hosting birthdays and holidays, bringing me medicine and a heat pad when I got bronchitis, taking me along to the beach and the movies, ...

And then early marriage, living in the same apartment complex, spending Sundays together, going to Dodger games, living in a gangsta's paradise, working together at Legacy, ... Most of my teaching style I picked up from her. Those are good memories.

And then - the greatest stage of all - being moms together. I've watched (and copied) everything she does and have learned so much from her. Like how to hold onto a child that is kicking and screaming and somehow get them buckled into a carseat with a 5 point harness - has come in very handy. And even more importantly, that that same child doesn't do that anymore so I just need to persevere with my own little tornado.

So Serena, I'll just say this: I do not know what I would be like without you. I really don't. I love you very much.


Ok, so maybe just one wetting-my-pants-laughing-so-hard story. So we were heading into a store one time, I think I was in about 11th grade, and on the sidewalk I saw some pennies and nickels. I got pretty excited because hey, a penny here and there might not be a big deal, but a whole handful? And nickels? So I started picking them all up. And then I saw there were dimes! And QUARTERS! Like somebody had just tossed their change jar out of the car window. We had started laughing so of course I suddenly needed to find a restroom. I heaved all of my loot at her and went tearing into the store to find a bathroom (which was way at the back of the store!) only to discover it was one of those kind where you have to insert a quarter to open the door. By the time I got back to Serena and all the quarters it was too late.